The DSP social media daily themes are now in full operation!
If you've been following any of the DSP social media sites (the main three, anyway), you're probably aware of the "daily themes" that I've been introducing each week since the start of 2024. Last week, I introduced the seventh and final...
The final piece to the DSP social media daily theme puzzle has arrived!
Introducing... Shout-out Sundays on the DSP social media channels!
What does that mean?
Every Sunday, I will give a shout-out to someone -- a client, a fellow photographer, a favorite band / artist, a cherished local...
What's new for DSP in 2024, you ask?
Well, a lot, that's what!
In the coming weeks, I'll be making a series of announcements about some major (and some minor) developments with the business and the services that I offer. Yes, I'll be blogging about it here on got f-stop?, but if you want to keep...
Another year, another stellar series of summer concerts at Beech Mountain Resort in Western North Carolina.
It's hard for me to put into words how grateful I am to be the house photographer for these events for the past two summers. It's been an absolute pleasure collaborating with the marketing...
It's not about you. It's not about you. It's not about you.
If you were to ask a random sample of music photographers why they do what they do, at least nine out of ten of them would say, "Because it's fun!", or, "I love live music, and get to see my favorite bands up close and personal!"
As a professional photographer and instructor, I get asked a lot of questions. But, by far, the most common question I get is...
"Dave, which camera should I buy?"
Half-jokingly, my canned response is, "Why, the Nikon D6, of course!" (or, whatever the latest and greatest DSLR or mirrorless...
I shoot a lot of music concerts, and I'm often seen roaming the venues in and around Asheville, NC with a couple of Nikon cameras hanging from my sides (two D750 bodies on a Black Rapid harness system, in case you were wondering), sporting my DSP ball cap (worn backwards, of course) and, likely,...
I have been at this photography thing for many years now, serving both the editorial and commercial photography markets (amongst other things). I've collaborated with businesses, artists, and publications both large and small. Despite their differences, one of the first questions I get asked by a...